Tag Archives: reclaiming

nut ——–> tree

It has to be said that I’ve a lot of inspirational people in my life and not the least of them are my parents.  I didn’t turn out this way by accident and I have them to thank for it for better or for worse.  I’ve already shared with you a few of my mum’s quirks and today I would like to share with you a few of my dad’s.

My dad and his partner live in rural southern Ontario just outside the small town my mum lives in.  They have a gorgeously landscaped and rather large lot backed by farmer’s fields & wooded areas.  On this they’ve made a real home which fits both of their lifetstyles and caters to their need to make stuff.  Their basement is a veritable crafter’s paradise filled with everything from heavy woodworking machinery to fine laces and trims.  They’ve each got their area of expertise and interest but sometimes those come together and the results are generally awe-inspiring and envy-inducing…well, for my city-slicking self, anyway.

Here are a couple of their latest accomplishments:


That is the newly reconstructed chicken coop.  Necessity was the mother invention on this project as they had so many issues with weasels.  Many of the fittings are reclaimed from the previous coop, auction finds and lumber yard cast offs.


And that’s the greenhouse.  Well-used, well-loved and made almost entirely of reclaimed materials.

Side view:


Isn’t it lovely?  That’s a rabbit enclosure off the back.  I’m envious of the rhododendron in there.  Oh what I could do with a greenhouse like that.

Someday I’ll get out there and get pictures of all of the other wonderful & creative things they’ve done in their yard because it’s one of the coolest places I know, but in the meantime there’s your taste of the genetics involved in moi.  See where I’m coming from?


Filed under domestics, sharing is caring, Uncategorized